Lower Carbon Footprint
Definition: Packaging that has a lower carbon footprint than alternatives. Vexel packaging specialists have mastered a range of strategies to decrease the carbon footprint of our packaging while improving product strength.
Lower carbon footprint can include using more recycled content, sourcing raw materials with lower carbon footprints, using less raw materials through product resizing and downgauging, and designing packaging that can be disposed of through lower-footprint waste streams such as recycling or reuse.
Through innovation and product redesign, Vexel has reduced the amount of raw materials used in many of our products. We have hundreds of customers successfully using our lower carbon footprint products. The result is thousands of tonnes of plastic saved form consumption, without sacrificing product performance and without any unit cost increase.
The flow-through effect is extensive, less raw material, less freight, less wastage, less disposal. Most companies can drastically reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing anything.